Critical Reading 9

I’ve been collected many references about reading, especially extensive reading. There are so many researches proving that extensive reading is brought advantages toward English learning process. This post will also give a review about an article entitled “The Relationship between EFL Learner’s Extensive Reading and English Language Proficiency”. It is an article about researches which is conducted to know whether extensive reading is beneficial in English learning process or not.
The writers firstly explain the background of the research. They conducted this research because in the Iran universities mostly use intensive reading types than the extensive. In fact, there are a lot of researches which have proven that extensive reading is a good approach. This article is strengthening the proof of the effectiveness of extensive reading. The writers mention about former researches in second part, Literature Review. The methods are explained in detail, start from participant, design, research instrument and the procedure. The participants here are students of university who are in the intermediate level of reading divided into three group; first group is treated by extensive reading using authentic text, second group is treated by extensive reading using simplified text, and the third group is not treated by extensive reading as the control. The data analysis method uses t-test and ANOVA because this is experimental.
The result of this research shows positive relationship between extensive reading and student’s English proficiency whether using authentic or simplified material. The student got improvement in vocabulary, grammar and obviously in reading comprehension. It is a good approach because the students comfortable with the topic of what they read. They did not feel pressured like in the intensive reading given and it is not as boring as intensive reading. The obstacle in implementing this approach is the educational authorities who does not include extensive reading in curriculum.
Implementation :
I hope extensive reading approach can be implemented In the English teaching and learning activity, because there are so many researches have proven the benefit of extensive reading in English proficiency. I think student will have positive attitude since it help them to increase their English proficiency and expose more information.

“Reading is the best way to pass language problem successfully”

Citation :
Davoudi, M., Zolfagharkhani, M., & Rezaei, M. (2016). The Relationship between EFL Learners' Extensive Reading and English Language Proficiency. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 6(3), 549.


  1. Interesting topic, you give us the fact and prove it with the data. Keep going please, nice blog. So beautiful!

    1. Thanks, i've read your blog. The insight of graphic novel got me inspired :)

  2. Amanda, your writing is inspiring me. In my opinion, extensive reading is still uncommon in Indonesian school, especially junior high school and senior high school. After reading your writing in this blog, I really interested to apply this strategy to my next English class. Thank a bunch.

  3. Dear, Amanda.
    This is a cool blog.
    Your writing is very good and has good outline too.

    Anggita R

  4. This is a new information to me. I get to know more about extensive reading and its effect on improving students reading comprehension. As a teacher we need to practice this strategies in our class later. Thank you for sharing :)


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