Critical Reading 1

Citation :
Renandya, W. A. (2007). The power of extensive reading. RELC Journal, 38(2), 133-149.

This article argues that extensive reading is an important feature to be taught by teacher. The first part of the article is an introduction about some factors which made lack of success in EFL learning. One of them is a lack of suitable inputs/ materials (books) and its quality is bad. In the second part, the author tells about the definition of Extensive Reading based on some experts and the difference between Intensive Reading and Extensive reading. There is also explanation about theory in learning language; it is by "understanding message of what people say and what we read". The conditions needed for acquisition to take place are mentioned by author to support that theory.

The next part is about the evidences in the two point of view. The first point of view is Anecdotal Evidence. Renandya conveys his own experience about the effectiveness learning EFL by using Extensive Reading. He quoted interesting quotation from Christine Nutall (1982:168) :
“The best way to improve one’s knowledge of a foreign language is to go and live among its speakers. The next best way is to read extensively in it” .
This quotation is used by him to answer what the best way to learn English asked by English learner  . Then the second point of view is Empirical Evidence. Renandya presents some researches from experts which compare between students who received traditional reading instruction (skill building or intensive reading method) with those who asked to do extensive reading, and almost of the result shows extensive reading carries better impact. In the last part, the article conveys the obstacles in applying extensive reading in the EFL learning program.


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