Critical Reading 2
Citation :
Renandya, W. A. (2011). Extensive listening in the second language classroom. Innovation and creativity in ELT methodology, 28-41.
Renandya suggest extensive listening in foreign or second language learning
and teaching in
this chapter. The introduction of the article tells about how to enhance
student's general proficiency in the foreign language based on some
experts. They believe that extensive exposure to comprehensible language is the
best way. One of the extensive exposure is extensive listening. Before Renandya
goes with extensive listening, he describes the familiar approach to teach
listening first, it is intensive listening. The formats of intensive listening
lesson are pre-listening, while-listening and post-listening. Then he is going
with extensive listening by explaining the role of it according to some experts.
The next part
is the benefits of extensive listening, those are : "enhance learner’s ability to
adapt with the speech rate, improve word recognition skill, enhance bottom-up
listening skill, improve listening vocabulary, help to be more fluent
listeners, give chance to high level of language comprehension and enhance
student general proficiency in the language". For obtaining all those benefit,
Renandya conveys some guide for choosing the right materials. He suggest the use
of authentic materials which are considered to be natural, interesting and
motivating. However, the teacher should choose the materials wisely by adjusting to
student’s level of proficiency. The last
part of this article describes about the activities of extensive listening,
those are : narrow listening, teacher read-aloud or Storytelling and Repeated
Listening : A sample lesson. The nature of extensive listening is listening to
huge amount of interesting and comprehensible material. Therefore, when this
activity applied to the EFL learning activity, it can improve the student’s
English skill in enjoyable way and without hard pressure.
“Listening is best
learned through listening”
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