Critical Reading 4
In this post I still talk about
extensive reading since I am interested in it. The article I read entitled
Extensive Reading with Adult Learners of English as a Second Language. The
paper is about reports on study of the impact of ER on the language
proficiency. The introduction of the article tells about the things that we
need to implement ER program toward students based on experts research. There
are some characteristic to measure the success implementation of ER. Those are
: 1) the amount of the input material, 2) student’s interest, 3) The variation
of the material genre, 4) Student’s level of comprehension, 5)Student participation
in the post-reading activities, 6) Teacher involve in the ER activities as a
role model, 7)Student’s reading progress, 8) Teacher’s help and guidance.
Based on that theory, Renandya is
interested to study about the relationship between learning gain and a set of
ER variable. The variables are the amount of ER material, the level of interest
of the material, the level of comprehension (easy/difficult material) and
whether ER is a useful and enjoyable activity. The participants of the study were
49 senior Vietnamese government official who were in Singapore for a two-month
intensive English course entitled English for International Communication. The
component including 5 basic skill of English. Renandya explain the mechanism of
his research. It’s good mechanism, because he goes with 3 instruments, those
are : designed test (pre and post), book record (reading log) and questionnaire
(given after the program). He divided student into two groups into high
proficiency and less-proficiency in English after given a pre-test. Then he
gives the ER treatment by using some rules like restricting the number of words
or pages. The two months treatment result in positive relation between learning
gain and the ER variable. ER program can successfully conducted if it is well
prepared and in a good mechanism.
According to some articles explaining
about ER, it can be concluded that ER bring good impact in the student’s EFL/ESL
learning progress. If it is implemented in the class, I think student will be rethinking
that English is hard. What should be noticed here is the proper mechanism in
implementing it.
Citation :
Renandya, W. A., Rajan,
B. S., & Jacobs, G. M. (1999). Extensive reading with adult learners
of English as a second language. RELC journal, 30(1), 39-60.
"You know you've read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend" - Paul Sweeney
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