Critical Reading 8

In this critical reading 8, I will discuss about students' literacy in remote area. The students are below poverty. I read an article about the issue entitled "The Effectiveness of a Supplementary Reading Programme for Children in Malaysia's Remote Schools". It is a research about the impact of SRP program toward students' literacy in the remote are of Sabah and Serawak, Malaysia. This program worked by giving the students reading books which have interesting topic (fiction, science), a lot of pictures and also understandable words. The approach used in that research is mixed-method between qualitative and quantitative. The instruments including quisionarie, interview and observation for qualitative data while confidence interval for quantitative data. Researcher obtains data about the reaction of the teachers and students about the program, and the effect of implementing the program. Based on the result of the research, it shows positive effect toward students' literacy. The program make the student read a lot of books, love reading and motivate them to borrow more books. Their proficiency in English are improved through that program because it enrich students' vocabulary mastery. They gain new words which cannot be recognized before such as 'title' and 'author'. It is also beneficial for the teacher. English teacher was ignored by students before the program. Because the students did not know what the teacher said. However, after the program, the students are interested in English even they does not look like from remote area but look like mainstream student in the city. The program provides access to quality education to students who are below poverty.  Based on the research we can implement Supplementary Reading Program to the remote area in Indonesia. Children in Indonesia also have no chance to get quality education. Therefore, by this program may improve and motivate them to study especially English.

Citation :
Asraf, R. M., Kassim, N. A., Ahmad, I. S., & Rahman, Z. A. (2013). The Effectiveness of a Supplementary Reading Programme for Children in Malaysia’s Remote Schools.



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