Cultural Diversity

We know that the cultural diversity among the people around the world are increased. Teachers also teach more children who have cultural and linguistic diversity. Based on this article, in 2023, more than 50% of the students will have different background family. Multiculturalism is not only limited to the nationality, race and religion but also gender, age and class. Teachers tend to be unaware about multiculturalism in education. It can bring negative impact on culturally and linguistically diverse students. Therefore, teachers' cultural awareness and diversity must be promoted.The teachers should also teach the children about the importance of multiculturalism.One of the methods that is proposed by this article is using multicultural children's book. It is a book that reflects diverse culture other than major culture and covers racial, ethnic and social diversity in pluralistic society. Using multicultural children's book help the students to develop their perspectives about their culture and other cultures.They can reflect on themselves, change their attitudes in order to understand other cultures.
Implication : 
I think teach the children about multiculturalism is importance since Indonesia also face the racial and religion problem. The method that is proposed by this article is good enough, but teaching multiculturalism is not only book-based but also the application in the real society such as adaption program in the classroom and cultural-based topic discussion.
Citation :
Iwai, Y. (2013). Multicultural Children's Literature and Teacher Candidates' Awareness and Attitudes Toward Cultural Diversity. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 5(2), 185.


  1. Hai amanda, that's really good idea to teach students multiculturalism, but I am so curious about what do you think about the needs of students, I mean do you want to make them aware with multiculturalism so that they change their perception of multiculturalism or do you want to make them just know about multiculturalism? Because nowadays teacher just teach multiculturalism without give an emphasize and clarify what exactly should be done by the students after understanding or learn multiculturalism. I am sorry if you don't understand of my question, I am still learn how to write. Thankyou. Hope you can reply my question :)

  2. I think this is really important for us pre-service teacher to be aware of multiculturalism. -Lily


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