Engage with Native Culture

English should be encouraged more in the EFL Classroom because EFL students have different speed in learning English than ESL students. English in EFL country is still lack of usage in their daily life. They have their own native language, that's why EFL students only learn English in school or English Course. Usually, students just taught the basic English skill such as listening, reading, writing, speaking and grammar. EFL country mostly still use traditional approach or passive learning in delivering the material. In fact, when we learn other country language, it will be more easier when the students engage with the target language culture. Some researches prove that the students who get opportunity to have interaction with native speakers and also discuss about English culture are more motivated, confident and they have good communication ability.  Based on the article entitled Social and Cultural Focus in EFL Learning. Does Understanding Target Language Culture Increase Interaction in the EFL Classroom?, Alshenqeeti states "When student is curious about the the target language culture, their interest and motivation to learn the language is increased". It means that when we include social/cultural learning, it can improve classroom interaction. That is why it will be more effective to adopt the core language skill into social condition in learning language. 
Implication :
Engaging target language culture is a good idea to be applied in my future classroom. Traditional method of teaching only makes the students memorize about the core competence of English, for instance tenses. As a teacher, I can show them an interactive video about native culture and adopt the core competence of English as the exercise. 

Citation :
Alshenqeeti, H. (2016). Social and Cultural Focus in EFL Learning. Does Understanding Target Language Culture Increase Interaction in the EFL Classroom?. International Journal of Linguistics, 8(6), 53-68.


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